Trigger Point Dry Needling (TPDN) was developed by internationally renowned physicians Janet Travell, MD (John F Kennedy’s personal physician) and David Simmons, MD. Acupuncture needles are inserted into trigger points to deactivate them and release shortened muscles. Trigger points are hyperirritable spots located in muscle and fascial tissue. This technique reduces or eliminates neuromyofascial pain. TPDN is very useful in treating pain secondary to muscular, fascial, tendinous, and ligamentous dysfunction. Malfunction of the peripheral nervous system, leading to neuropathic or radicular pain, responds well to TPDN.
Example: Piriformis Syndrome
When the piriformis muscle is contracted and shortened needles are inserted into the associated and irritated trigger points. This technique facilitates: pain relief, muscle elongation, increased blood perfusion, lymphatic drainage, and restoration of proper joint mechanics.
Lauren certified with Edo D. Zylstra, in the art and science of TPDN in 2008.
Trigger Point Dry Needling (TPDN) was developed by internationally renowned physicians Janet Travell, MD (John F Kennedy’s personal physician) and David Simmons, MD. Acupuncture needles are inserted into trigger points to deactivate them and release shortened muscles. Trigger points are hyperirritable spots located in muscle and fascial tissue. This technique reduces or eliminates neuromyofascial pain. TPDN is very useful in treating pain secondary to muscular, fascial, tendinous, and ligamentous dysfunction. Malfunction of the peripheral nervous system, leading to neuropathic or radicular pain, responds well to TPDN.
- low back pain
- intervertebral disc degenerative disease
- whiplash
- facet irritation
- repetitive strain injury
- frozen shoulder
- rotator cuff injury
- capsulitis
- bursitis
- tendonitis
- tennis elbow
- headache and migraine
- temporal mandibular dysfunction
Example: Piriformis Syndrome
When the piriformis muscle is contracted and shortened needles are inserted into the associated and irritated trigger points. This technique facilitates: pain relief, muscle elongation, increased blood perfusion, lymphatic drainage, and restoration of proper joint mechanics.
Lauren certified with Edo D. Zylstra, in the art and science of TPDN in 2008.