Believe a blade of grass is no less than
the journey-work of the stars.
Walt Whitman
the journey-work of the stars.
Walt Whitman
Many women suffer from vaginal or vulvar pain without an identifiable cause. The same is true for men suffering from perineal, penile and scrotal pain. The location, frequency, severity and duration of the pain may vary. Calm Balm was developed to reduce these symptoms, while nourishing and soothing the skin.
Many women suffer from vaginal or vulvar pain without an identifiable cause. The same is true for men suffering from perineal, penile and scrotal pain. The location, frequency, severity and duration of the pain may vary. Calm Balm was developed to reduce these symptoms, while nourishing and soothing the skin.
Coconut oil is known by traditional healers in the Philippines as the “Tree of Life”. Ayurvedic medicine has recommended the use of coconut oil for over 4000 years. Rich in lauric, capric and caprylic acids, coconut oil has antifungal, antiviral and anti-microbial properties. (2) These ingredients may also have an anti-inflammatory effect. (3) Calm Balm is not intended for use with pregnancy. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnosis, treat, or prevent any disease. REFERENCES |
PELVI CALM BALM is available in a two-ounce size for $24.00 includes tax and shipping.
Lemon Balm is a cousin of mint and sage, it grows abundantly even in the high desert of Santa Fe. I adore its heady lemony scent and always brush against it when I visit my garden to release the intoxicating aroma. Lemon balm acts on our limbic system promoting sleep and relaxation and decreasing anxiety. Additionally, it acts as a restorative and is calming for digestion, heart arrhythmias, menstrual cramps and visceral spasm. From Flower Power by Anne McIntyre “It is excellent for those whose health and strength have been depleted by stress or overconcern for other people, restricting theirs lives and inhibiting their spiritual growth. Restoring and relaxing, it gives support during emotional difficulties and increases inner strength and courage.” MULLEIN TINCTURE Mullein grows wild in so many locales worldwide, ubiquitous in New Mexican forests and roadsides. A single plant appeared in my garden one spring and by the next year I had 50 plants. I could not resist Natures persistent suggestion for me to process it into oil, tincture and tea. The healing properties of Mullein are extensive and varied. Mullein is indicated for:
TINCTURE is available in a two-ounce size for $24.00 includes tax and shipping.